Organic Living

7/18/12 What does organic living mean to you?

What does organic living mean to you?  Some might say organic living is taking control of what you consume by producing it yourself.  Gardening, raising animals and making your own soap.  If this works for your family – that’s pretty awesome.

Each of us has our own interpetation of organic living.  To me, organic living means making natural, greener choices whenever possible.  But as a working mom, I can’t let go of convenience.  I might not be able to make my own laundry detergent this month, but that doesn’t mean I have to buy a toxic mystery potion from the grocery store.

I care about what’s in my laundry detergent.  It washes my baby’s clothes.  And mine and my husband’s.  Carcinogenic ingredients are not needed to get our clothes bright, clean and smelling fresh.  Sparing my family and our water supply from these toxins one load at a time is my version of organic living.

It’s simple.  But it’s organic.  Get yours at