Breastfeeding Sorrows

7/19/12  When your breasts are betraying you…

I got a call from a very stressed out, desperate friend today and my heart goes out to her.  She is truly a wonderful person and has been battling with herself and her body trying to breastfeed her newborn son for the last 2 weeks.

At his latest doctor’s appointment she realized that baby boy is just not gaining weight the way he’s supposed to – he’s just not getting enough at his feedings.  And she did what we all do when something isn’t perfect with our kids – she blamed herself.

Breastfeeding has been a struggle since day one for her.  Poor latching, low supply and a sleepy baby who nods off at each feeding have all contributed to her elevated stress level, exhaustion and baby boy’s lack of weight gain.  And now that her pediatrician has suggested she switch to formula, she feels absolutely defeated.  “Everyone else just sticks their baby on the boob and it works.  Why can’t I have this too?”

Friend, I know you feel like you’re failing, but you’re not.  You’re doing the absolute best  you can and that’s what every great mother does.

Right now, the best thing for both of you is to relax and enjoy this time together.  Maternity leave will be over before you know it and he’ll be growing up right before your very eyes.  If feeding him formula helps you regain your sanity and helps your son grow up to be a strong healthy boy – then do it.

I know exactly how she is feeling.  Overwhelmed. Exhausted. Unsure. Scared.  No one tells us we’re gonna be a hot mess for the first month after giving birth, but that’s exactly what happens.  Hang in there my friend.  You’re making the right choice for you and your family and that’s all that matters.